Everything You’d Like to Know About Acne but Are Afraid to Ask

“Dear Kasia, I have a problem…” or Kitchen Without Taboo on Acne

Acne is a nightmare for many of us, which is why Kitchen Without Taboo is diving into this topic once again for you. What causes its occurrence, what tests are worth performing, what kind of care to use, and can diet be our ally in this situation? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions shortly.

In reality, it’s a vast topic, so I’ll try to answer as thoroughly as possible!

Why do I have acne?

There can be many causes, and they often overlap: increased activity of the sebaceous glands, bacterial colonization of the ducts or their blockage, or an inadequate inflammatory and immune response of the body. An important factor—although impossible to measure and determine precisely—is genetic: if our parents struggled with persistent acne, there is a greater chance of severe rather than mild disease in us.

So, can we identify specific triggers for the overactivity of sebaceous glands?

The secretion of sebum is regulated by hormones, primarily produced in the adrenal glands and sex glands. Thus, an increase in hormone synthesis can cause or worsen skin changes.

Should I be worried about excess hormones?

It shouldn’t cause panic, but rather vigilance 🙂 However, visiting a dermatologist, endocrinologist, and gynecologist is necessary, and I strongly encourage you not to delay it! Consultation and diagnostics with a specialist can lead to the diagnosis of various conditions: from polycystic ovary syndrome to pregnancy, and even adrenal tumors.

So if I have acne, does that mean I have hormonal problems?

Absolutely not. There are many forms of acne, and not all require intervention from an endocrinologist. Cosmetic-related skin changes are caused by the use of pore-clogging products such as powders or blushes; occupational acne affects workers exposed to oils, tar, or chlorine; sometimes even properly prescribed treatments with steroids, iodine, or vitamin B12 can result in drug-induced acne (caused by an allergic reaction to medication).

What exacerbates acne?

Increased sweating, especially related to a change in climate to hot and humid conditions. Additionally – stress! That’s why it’s so important to find healthy ways to relieve it. Smoking cigarettes also worsens skin changes, so I strongly encourage fans of smoking to seek anti-nicotine therapy ;). Naturally, acne also worsens from two to seven days before your period, due to increased water retention in the body.

Could you recommend an effective skincare routine for acne-prone skin?

The basics are cleansing and moisturizing, so in these two areas, I wholeheartedly recommend medical products rather than over-the-counter cosmetics. Effective cleansing products include preparations containing 1% thymol or menthol and 2% salicylic acid. It is also worth undergoing therapeutic peeling, which, unlike the most popular cosmetics, relies on chemical exfoliation rather than mechanical. Look for therapeutic peels containing AHA and BHA acids, salicylic, pyruvic, or glycolic acid or a Jessner’s solution – just remember to consult with a doctor before the procedure and perform an allergy test!

A daily face cream should be lightweight, non-greasy, highly moisturizing, and non-drying – the natural instinct is to quickly mattify oily skin, which unfortunately only irritates and inflames it further. A good cream should have a gel-like consistency and include hydroxy acids and low concentrations of urea.

What about diet? Do any foods cause, exacerbate, or conversely alleviate acne?

Dietary questions are the ones that Kitchen Without Taboo tigers like the most 🙂 Let me explain: curing acne cannot be achieved with any specific diet, but some scientific reports suggest that certain foods may affect the course of the disease. Therefore, while an appropriate diet may not completely eliminate the problem, it can speed up treatment when combined with pharmacotherapy.

So what foods and dietary habits negatively affect acne?

Primarily high-glycemic index carbohydrates and excess omega-6 fatty acids. Some reports also suggest an adverse effect of dairy products, due to their similar insulin spike as in a high-glycemic diet.

So avoid: milk and its derivatives, beans, pumpkin, potatoes, watermelon, melon, dried dates, raisins, white bread, millet and barley groats, white rice, cornflakes, chips, fries, gummies.

Be cautious with consumption: of corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, and grape seed oil.

What shows positive results in fighting acne through diet?

Particularly effective is a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamin E, and zinc. These substances have beneficial effects on: balancing omega-6 acids, anti-inflammatory actions, wound healing, and collagen metabolism.

I recommend eating as much as possible: fish from good sources: mackerel, sprats, herring, cod, zander, oysters, tuna, broccoli, endive, kale, spinach, parsley, carrots, red peppers, peaches, apricots, tomatoes, almonds, hazelnuts, whole-grain bread, bran, and eggs (just remember not to exceed: 1-2 pieces per day).

Can gut cleansing give positive results in fighting acne?

I strongly encourage it! Healthy intestines mean a healthy person, so I wholeheartedly recommend undergoing this wonderful self-care ritual. You can find details of the whole program HERE >> and more about gut health HERE >>. And just a quick note: be very attentive when introducing products; sometimes diagnostic testing for food intolerances and allergies and a visit to a dietitian may be necessary.

If you have more questions – be sure to let me know in the comments, and I guarantee that soon the most persistent acne will be just a memory.

Cześć, Jestem Kasia

Pasjonatka zdrowego odżywiania, podróży i holistycznego podejścia do życia. Mama najpiękniejszego kwiatuszka.
Certyfikowany specjalista ds. dietetyki (SGGW). Nie jem mięsa. Nie zamierzam Ciebie przekonywać do rezygnacji z ulubionych potraw ale pomogę Ci odkryć „zdrową kreatywność” w kuchni. Jak jeść BEZ TABU żeby być zdrowym.

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