Homemade method to remove pesticides from vegetables and fruits

How to remove pesticides from vegetables and fruits at home?

I have had an obsession with soaking vegetables and fruits in…. soda for many years! As you might have noticed from my Instastory (and if not, feel free to check out my Instagram: @kuchniabeztabu), it’s an activity that is an inseparable part of my day!

Why do we soak in baking soda?

Primarily to significantly remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Water alone is not enough because fruits and vegetables are often coated with wax or oil – you’ve surely seen those beautifully shiny 🍎! Hot water, even more so, does not remove pesticides but rather “pushes” them deeper into the skin.

I soak all vegetables and fruits with skins in baking soda before eating. Even if I cook them. Of course, citrus fruits or other fruits/vegetables that need to be peeled – I don’t eat the skins but still soak them. 😉

How to do it?

Fill a large bowl with cold water. Add baking soda depending on the amount of vegetables and fruits. For a small amount, use 2-3 teaspoons. For a larger amount, use 2-3 tablespoons. Stir until it dissolves. Drop in the vegetables and fruits (you can mix them) and let them soak for about 5-8 minutes (small amount) or 8-15 minutes (large amount). I usually leave them for at least 10 minutes, regardless of the amount (nothing will happen if it’s longer 😉). Then, gently rub the skin of the vegetable/fruit with your fingers (see the video 👉🏻) to further stimulate the process and rinse under running, clean water.

What and why do we soak in vinegar?

We soak vegetables and fruits in vinegar when we want to eliminate bacteria. Harmful bacteria for the digestive system, such as E.coli, listeria, or salmonella, die in an acidic environment. Therefore, mix cold water with 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. You can substitute it with 2 tablespoons of citric acid. Place the products in this solution and soak for about 3-5 minutes. Then, rinse them under running water.

Very important! Always soak fresh sprouts in vinegar! They carry a significant amount of bacteria 😱

If we want to soak products in vinegar and in soda, we should first soak them in vinegar and then in soda.

Cześć, Jestem Kasia

Pasjonatka zdrowego odżywiania, podróży i holistycznego podejścia do życia. Mama najpiękniejszego kwiatuszka.
Certyfikowany specjalista ds. dietetyki (SGGW). Nie jem mięsa. Nie zamierzam Ciebie przekonywać do rezygnacji z ulubionych potraw ale pomogę Ci odkryć „zdrową kreatywność” w kuchni. Jak jeść BEZ TABU żeby być zdrowym.

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