Where to start with healthy eating? Simple rules from Kitchen Without Taboo.

Are you asking yourself how to lose weight? Where to start? You often think, “I eat so little, but I’m not losing weight.” The goal of this article is to make you realize that healthy eating is the key to achieving a healthy body and a well-maintained figure. Never prioritize a beautiful figure over your own health.

The first very important point I need to address is calories… Remember, calories are not the most important aspect of a diet. Some time ago, I read an article about a man who consumed the appropriate amount of calories (according to his BMI) but ate at a popular fast-food chain like McDonald’s. You might wonder how this experiment affected his health. In short: initial health tests showed only slightly elevated sugar levels, while other parameters were normal. After a month of the experiment, the following changes occurred:

  • weight – slightly increased
  • sugar and cholesterol levels increased two- to threefold
  • increased sweating
  • started feeling a lack of energy and fatigue
  • his skin became gray and dull
  • started experiencing shortness of breath after climbing one flight of stairs

Considering the above, calories are not everything. The contents of your plate are very important, specifically the combination of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits.

This is how a healthy plate should look:

Remember it!

Here is an example of such a meal (woman, 174 cm, 58 kg):

The second rule is to stop thinking about losing weight and focus on your health! Eating is fundamental. You should eat at least 3 meals a day with a lot of vegetables and 1 fresh juice/smoothie. Ideally at a regular time. Drink still water. The general advice is 2 liters… but it’s a matter of personal preference. I recommend drinking at least 5 glasses of still water.

To start a beautiful journey with healthy eating, just remember these 3 important rules:

  1. ¾ of the plate should be vegetables. (Remember green vegetables like fresh spinach. The chlorophyll in these vegetables is crucial for the proper functioning of our body.)
  2. A portion of fish, or meat (only from a good source) the size of your hand (see the picture below for how to measure it).
  3. Consume as few whole grain carbohydrates or potatoes as possible.

Additionally, read and try to adhere to the Taboo Rules.

When will you see results?

Give yourself at least 2-3 months to notice a significant difference. After this time, you will see that you feel much better. Introduce 20 minutes of exercise every day – even a brisk walk! You will have more energy and your fitness will improve.

I often receive questions about the secret to my healthy and slim figure?

It’s precisely what I described above: a healthy plate and a large amount of vegetables! I don’t eat meat, so I usually replace it with legumes, organic cheeses like tofu or tempeh, or baked white fish. Additionally, once a week, I minimize food intake – usually, I eat a green spinach salad, my favorite smoothie or juice twice a day. Currently, as a new mother, different food restrictions (fasting) or eating windows like 8:16 or 10:14 are not feasible. As soon as I stop breastfeeding, I will return to my habits. Overall, I try to eat healthily, stick to a 12:12 eating window, and stay active: yoga, pilates, meditation, or home workouts. This helps me lose weight post-pregnancy at a good pace. Am I worried about it? Not at all! My health, and especially my child’s health, is the most important!

I hope I’ve motivated you enough to adopt at least these 3 rules. I guarantee you won’t regret it, and your reward will be a healthy and vibrant body. Remember! This will be your personal success!

If you want to approach your diet in a more professional way, read this article >>

Protein, carbohydrates, fats vs. calories, read >>

Cześć, Jestem Kasia

Pasjonatka zdrowego odżywiania, podróży i holistycznego podejścia do życia. Mama najpiękniejszego kwiatuszka.
Certyfikowany specjalista ds. dietetyki (SGGW). Nie jem mięsa. Nie zamierzam Ciebie przekonywać do rezygnacji z ulubionych potraw ale pomogę Ci odkryć „zdrową kreatywność” w kuchni. Jak jeść BEZ TABU żeby być zdrowym.

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