It is well known that maintaining a long, healthy life requires not only a rational diet but also physical activity. Since the weather can vary, many of us choose the gym or pool for exercise. However, not all workouts are entirely positive. What unpleasant issues might we encounter during them? Be sure to read the article!
Why might your workout cause a bad smell?
It is often said that an effective and successful workout is when we sweat profusely. The production of sweat is an essential element of human physiology without which we could not function normally. It helps maintain our body’s homeostasis and constant temperature. Sweat secreted by sweat glands is odorless. The smell is caused by bacteria and fungi living on the skin. These microorganisms contribute to the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and other substances, sometimes creating a very unpleasant odor. Every person has a different microbiome, so each of us has a unique, distinctive smell, including when we sweat. Another factor affecting the smell and amount of sweat produced is diet, meaning the foods we consume and, consequently, the metabolic waste products excreted with sweat. Below is a table of products that increase sweat secretion and unpleasant odor, as well as those that minimize them.
The smell of our sweat may also be related to acidification of the body. When this occurs, the odor is intense and very unpleasant. Additionally, symptoms of body acidification include weakness, drowsiness, cold feet or hands, unpleasant breath odor, and a coating on the tongue. People with an acidified body also have skin problems, which may include dryness and acne. Acidification affects metabolism and digestion processes. A common symptom is persistent bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain. To reduce these unpleasant effects of acidification, you should eliminate certain products from your diet, such as: yeast, wheat, alcohol, caffeine, salt, and highly processed foods like fast food.
!!! It is also very important what you wear for exercise, specifically the material it is made from. Studies have shown that shirts made from synthetic polyester emit a worse and sharper odor than cotton ones. Scientists have found that bacteria responsible for unpleasant sweat odors proliferated more on synthetic fabric shirts than on those made of natural cotton. Therefore, if you are an active person and want to minimize bad sweat odor, use an appropriate diet and choose underwear and sportswear made from cotton or polyester enriched with silver ions, which kill microorganisms.
Sweat cannot be simply eliminated, as its production is a physiological reflex of the body. However, as you can see, you can influence its smell. So if you don’t want to smell bad after a workout, follow an appropriate diet and wear good-quality clothing. This should improve your post-workout odor!